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Gender Integration and Male Involvement

by Hanna Rabah

By Taroub Harb Faramand, MD, MPH on May 27, 2012

In Uganda, there is great interest among Health Care Improvement project staff, USAID, Ministry of Health, and regional, district, and facility-level health workers in achieving better gender integration through quality improvement. HCI/Uganda has opportunities in all technical areas to pursue gender integration within current work plans and scheduled activities. WI-HER supported HCI in promoting gender integration in coaching visits and with the Ministry of Health and Village Health Teams. By doing so such knowledge expanded quickly. Interest in gender integration and empowerment of men and women were generated. Such high momentum was important to maintain and translate into actions for the benefit of even more successful program implementation in Uganda.

In a very short time we were able to not only connect and present on gender integration in Quality Improvement processes, but also to bring this important topic to high-level policy and program discussions. Integrating gender into Quality Improvement has made this concept more acceptable. Dr. Sarah Byakika of the MOH said that “gender has been always a priority to us, but we did not know how to do it, now there is a way”.

Quotes from trainees:

– Session has really demystified gender for me. I know what to do with the data, which indicators are gender sensitive, what and when to do gender analysis, and how gender sensitive PDSAs can be done. I hope we will receive continuous support until we demonstrate that we have the skills.
Thank you for the training and I am now beginning to think in a different way, than before when I heard about gender I would always think about women’s issues. Now it’s a different thinking altogether.
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