Service delivery tools for identifying and managing survivors of gender-based violence
WI-HER, through the USAID Afya Nyota ya Bonde Project, built local capacity of 8 facilities to identify gender-based violence (GBV) and provide survivor-centered care using WI-HER’s iDARE methodology and upgrading existing Kenyan national tools to meet international (World Health Organization, USAID, and PEPFAR standards). In a baseline assessment, WI-HER identified the following key gaps in GBV identification and care in Kenya:
1. Low identification and management of GBV survivors in routine service delivery (4% average)2. Only cases of sexual GBV identified and managed3. Low identification and management of male survivors of GBV (average 8/ month)
In order to address these gaps and institutionalize the global standard of care for GBV service delivery, WI-HER adopted the following approach: conduct training-of-trainers and cascading trainings, develop training materials, standards of practice for screening clients for possible gender-based violence and indicators to monitor progress in closing gender related gaps in reporting and care. This approach was developed to reach the USAID/PEPFAR Gender and GBV Technical Priorities for HIV Programs.
Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, in person training of trainers to cascade trainings and transfer knowledge to facilities, was not possible as planned. Therefore, WI-HER adapted in-person GBV training to an online training, using an innovative, phased approach in order to achieve rapid improvements in GBV identification, clinical care, and management in select facilities. The three tools below were used by facilities, supervisors, and county government to support the improvement of identification and management of GBV survivors.
A full report of the 10 month implementation period, resulting in a 641% monthly increase in identification and management of GBV survivors of all four forms of violence, and a 2,176% increase in male survivors per month identified and managed, can be found here.