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Research & Publications

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Applying the iDARE Methodology in Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania to Improve Health Outcomes During the COVID-19 Pandemic – By Amanda Ottosson, Joyce Draru, Luseka Mwanzi, Stella Kasindi Mwita, Sara Pappa, Krista Odom, and Dr. Taroub Harb Faramand; Global Health: Science and Practice, June 2022

This field action report shares how WI-HER enabled locally-led solutions and achieved improved health outcomes in three countries despite challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic. WI-HER’s innovative iDARE methodology–a 5-step process–was applied in each country, as it fosters socio-normative transformation that can result in sustainable community-based change. 

Improving Viral Load Suppression Among Men and Children Active in Care Through Community-Designed and Led Solutions: Protocol for Retrospective Closed Cohort Study in Eastern Uganda By Krista Odom, Amanda Ottosson, Joyce Draru, Harriet Komujuni; Esther Karungi Karamagi Nkolo, and Dr. Taroub Harb Faramand; JMIR Research Protocols, April 2022

After WI-HER applied its iDARE methodology in Uganda to address low rates of viral load suppression (VLS) in people living with HIV, the authors of this retrospective cohort study measured the implementation impact of iDARE, both at the facility and community levels.  

Industry Publications 

Local Solutions, Global Impact: Building a Business Focused on Locally-Led Development – By Liz Hall;; July 2024

WI-HER’s commitment to locally-led development transforms how global development and public health initiatives are designed and implemented. Learn why Dr. Taroub Harb Faramand started WI-HER and how her approach to community engagement drives sustainable, inclusive solutions worldwide.

The Cla Maturity Tool Can Be a Pocketknife for Internal Communication and Knowledge Management – By Elizabeth Kemigisha;; April 2024

WI-HER adapted the CLA maturity tool to create a space for innovative discussion as well as to develop an improved knowledge management (KM) strategy and plan for moving forward. Elizabeth Kemigisha details how the adapted tool both strengthened internal communications and improved collaboration and coordination among staff. 

Building the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Capacity of Healthcare Workers in Nigeria By Shauna-Kaye Rowe and Annie Cameron;; September 2023

Find out how WI-HER, under the USAID Integrated Health Program, helped improve GBV case identification by 265% through a Grants Under Contract (GUC) mechanism and Training of Trainers (ToT) activity. Our partnerships and trainings foster a multi-sectoral approach and contribute to building healthcare worker capacity for a stronger GBV response in Nigeria. 

Leveraging Locally Designed and Led Solutions to Improve HIV Treatment Outcomes Among Men and Youth in Uganda By Elizabeth Kemigisha, Harriet Komujuni, and Amanda Ottosson;; June 2022 

WI-HER supported the Tororo District in Eastern Uganda to significantly improve viral load suppression (VLS) among men and youth actively enrolled in HIV care and treatment. Through the application of the iDARE methodology, the communities were able to identify influencers and co-create solutions to the challenges around improving VLS.

Empowering Local Youth Leaders in Nigeria to Increase Awareness and Support for Adolescent and Youth Services by Kenneth Goughnour, Allison Foster, and Elizabeth Kemigisha;; February 2022

This article details how WI-HER develops local capacity in Nigeria to leverage and utilize locally available resources, advocate responsiveness to youth needs, and promote the utilization of the health system among their peers. WI-HER also addresses barriers preventing adolescents from gaining access to and utilizing services by empowering local youth leaders to advocate for enhanced integrated health services that meet their requirements. 

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