WI-HER facilitates sustainable change. We catalyze holistic and integrated solutions that amplify the power and voices of individuals and communities to achieve sustainable impact.
“Men and women are changing due to the impacts of the learnings in the topic of IDARE that combine environmental conservation and gender equality in their villages. This is because men and women are now aware of gender issues.” – A Community Development Officer at Muheza Council, Tanzania.

Improving Health Outcomes
We break barriers related to healthcare service delivery by working with local stakeholders to co-create solutions that improve access to, utilization, and quality of health care.

Fostering Workforce Development & Safety
We develop highly customized training curricula and programs based on our client’s operating environment. This often involves enabling local communities and organizations to take leadership roles; creating tools; and organizing workshops that foster leadership skills and address sensitive topics and issues, including workplace safety.

Strengthening Resilience
We take an intersectional approach to strengthening environmental ecosystems by working with local organizations and communities to improve conservation efforts, infrastructure projects, and energy initiatives.

Bolstering Food Systems
We transform food and agriculture systems by developing and implementing strategies that address inequities, ultimately improving nutritional outcomes, enhancing food security, and amplifying the involvement of women, girls, and youth in food and agriculture value chains and related initiatives to improve health outcomes and economic participation.
For more examples and case studies on how WI-HER catalyzes sustainable change, please reach out to us at info@wi-her.org