Strong systems and a robust policy landscape are the foundations for successful solutions to complex development challenges across the globe. We work within local structures, platforms, and processes and strengthen local capacity to lead sustainable solutions that advance social development, economic prosperity, and overall equitable outcomes.
Our approach
We work to explicitly identify gender and social imbalances and constraints, intentionally striving to reduce inequities and foster effective and inclusive engagement to achieve improved development, health, and social impact outcomes within public utilities-focused projects to help achieve sustainable and gender-responsive human development opportunities at all levels of society.
Our iDARE methodology embodies this approach, providing a science-based and community-led process that strengthens stakeholders — whether governments, service providers, civil society organizations, or others —ability to identify challenges and then design and test culturally and contextually appropriate, inclusive solutions to achieve policy and or wider systems change.
Our services
WI-HER’s team:
Conducts rapid needs assessments and co-designs and facilitates relevant interventions and capacity development approaches.
Develops and adapts tools and training materials to equip local stakeholders with the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to strengthen systems and meet policy goals.
Provides short- or long-term support to develop, implement, and monitor appropriate policies, legislative proposals, manuals, and bylaws.
Designs and implements behavior change and quality improvement interventions across a variety of sectors.
Develops, implements, and evaluates information systems as a tool for reform and systems strengthening.
Institutionalizes practices and processes for democracy, equality, and inclusion through policy guidelines, academic curricula, performance standards, regulatory change, and institutional monitoring mechanisms.